Ask Vicki

  Relationships are challenging but with Dr. Vicki’s support, you can turn difficult interactions into positive outcomes for all parties concerned! She supports your journey to better know yourself and understand others.

Dr. Vicki’s blogs offer ongoing advice and thoughtful insights.

Five Element Fixes Vicki Matthews Five Element Fixes Vicki Matthews

Five Element Fixes: Sugar Cravings

Sugar cravings sit in the Earth element of the Five Elements model. That’s where our grounding sits, too. With all that’s going on these days, it’s easy to feel stressed and ungrounded. For people with a lot of Earth energy, a little bit of sugar can sometimes help. But remember, too much sugar is never a good thing! It’s bad for us physically and can also heighten our panic response.

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Earth, Fire, Metal Vicki Matthews Earth, Fire, Metal Vicki Matthews

Current Events Stress a Relationship

“I’m having an issue with my husband of three years. Jax is a wise and kind guy who’s really into things being done the ‘right’ way. When he’s stressed, he can get pretty dismissive, but other than that we usually get along really well. Recently, though, we had a significant argument about the upcoming elections. I can’t believe what’s happening in our country and am terribly concerned. Jax just shrugs and tells me not to worry. ... What can I do to convince him that he needs to care more?”

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Earth, Metal, Wood Vicki Matthews Earth, Metal, Wood Vicki Matthews

Neighbors Use Her Pool Without Permission

“I’m having trouble with a neighbor who keeps using our outdoor pool without being invited. Other than the social distancing thing, her five children splash water all over, run around the pool when we’ve told them to walk, and generally don’t follow the rules. We are already stressed and having rude neighbors here ruins things for my family. I want to do the right thing, but also don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings or create a difficult relationship with the people next door.”

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Earth, Metal, Water Vicki Matthews Earth, Metal, Water Vicki Matthews

A Perfectionist Drowning in Stress

“My husband Roland is a truly kind person, but he has a deep appreciation for structure and doing things the “right” way. Since the pandemic hit, Roland has become judgmental, overly critical, and even somewhat sloppy. His art gallery has reopened, and sales are picking up, but Roland isn’t getting back to his usual self. I’ve tried to support him by bringing cookies and his favorite lunches to the gallery but nothing seems to work. Help!”

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Earth, Metal, Wood Vicki Matthews Earth, Metal, Wood Vicki Matthews

Family and Friends Push Her Around

“Family is very, very important to me, but I am having trouble with two cousins who appear to have an overwhelming need to control my life. They strongly suggest that I do things the way they do, according to what they think is right. I have friends that seem to act this way toward me, too. When I haven’t done what they suggest, it has caused family rifts and the breakup of friendships. The pushy people in my life also don’t seem to feel the need to apologize for their actions, so it’s often up to me to make the first move, which doesn’t feel right. What can I do?”

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Earth, Fire, Metal, Wood Vicki Matthews Earth, Fire, Metal, Wood Vicki Matthews

She Changed, He Changed, Now Their Marriage is in Trouble

“For the first time in almost 35 years of marriage, my husband and I are having trouble. If I look back at when things changed, it was probably five years ago when my brother died and I had hip replacement surgery. Instead of the fun-loving, happy homemaker I had been, I became a warrior determined to come back better than ever. Initially, Brad was very supportive and encouraging, but not anymore. Once I recovered, I found that I actually liked being more assertive, even if it meant I was often angry or frustrated. But apparently Brad doesn’t like it. He’s been uncharacteristically opinionated and cruel, is working longer hours, and generally seems to be pulling away.”

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Fire, Water Vicki Matthews Fire, Water Vicki Matthews

Time with Her Brother Fries Her

“I hope you can help me understand my younger brother. Growing up, Gavin ran instead of walked, jumped around when excited, and always seemed busy. When we were little, I wanted to stay inside and color or read, but that bored him. In high school, he was on the pep squad and in theater. Just watching him made me tired and irritable. It still does. We’re in our early twenties now and have both moved back home temporarily to take care of our aging parents during the pandemic. I find myself wanting to be around him less and less, which is pretty hard in a small house with so much shut down these days.”

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Earth, Fire, Metal, Water, Wood Vicki Matthews Earth, Fire, Metal, Water, Wood Vicki Matthews

Husband Unhappy with Daughter and Grandson Back Home

“Our daughter divorced last year and when the pandemic started, she moved back home with her two-year-old son. Since they’ve been with us, Weston has really changed. I thought this would be a great time for our family with Stacy managing her IT team from here and Weston’s promotion. But my previously optimistic, go with the flow husband has become a gloomy cynic who ignores Stacy, picks on Jimmy, and eats potato chips like there’s no tomorrow.”

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All Elements Vicki Matthews All Elements Vicki Matthews

The Personalities that Created American Democracy

I wish you all a happy Fourth of July in whatever way you do (or don’t) acknowledge the day! Here in the USA, July 4th is when we celebrate the signing of our Declaration of Independence in 1776, an act that formalized our move from a colony of Great Britain to an independent nation fashioned as a democracy. And while we have lasted over 200 years, these days it seems more appropriate than ever to honor and celebrate our bold creation.

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Earth, Metal Vicki Matthews Earth, Metal Vicki Matthews

Sisters Clash Working Together

“My sister started a business a few years ago helping people de-clutter their homes. As a stay at home mom with older children and time on my hands, I started helping out by answering phones and filing. At first it was fun working together, but recently it seems that nothing I do is good enough for Shelley. It’s really put pressure on our relationship. We’re about to re-open after the pandemic and I’m wondering if I should just quit. But her business has really grown and she needs the help. Plus, she’s my sister; I can’t just walk away. What should I do?”

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All Elements Vicki Matthews All Elements Vicki Matthews

The Light and Dark Sides of the Elemental Personalities

Four years and six days ago, a security guard killed 49 people and wounded 53 others during a mass shooting inside the Pulse nightclub. The brutality of the event shocked us all and left lingering questions regarding who would do such a thing, and why. At that time, I posted an attempt to answer those questions from a Five Elements perspective by highlighting the beauty/beast aspect of each elemental personality. Given all that is going on in the US and other parts of the world these days, it seems like this information might once again be helpful.

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Metal, Water, Wood Vicki Matthews Metal, Water, Wood Vicki Matthews

Managing Grief and Control Issues During Difficult Times

“My widowed mother passed away earlier this year. My older brother, Paul, was named executor. He is very responsible and orderly and has approached this task like it’s the most important thing in the world. But I think I have something to offer the process. Paul has a woman who wants to buy Mom’s house, but I think the price is too low and we should wait until the pandemic is over. I have tried discussing this, but he refuses to budge. How can I approach Paul and this situation without inflaming it?”

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All Elements Vicki Matthews All Elements Vicki Matthews

The Personalities of Protest

Over the past week I’ve received several calls and emails asking which of Five Elemental personality types would be most inclined to protest, peacefully or not. Looting and destroying property is a different matter, but it might surprise you that each of the elemental personalities might participate in those activities as well, depending on how balanced they are and their secondary elemental personality. What might make each of the elemental personalities engage in protest, or worse, property destruction and looting?

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Earth, Wood Vicki Matthews Earth, Wood Vicki Matthews

Her Sister Won’t Discuss Family Death

“A dear friend of the family passed away almost three months ago. She was like an elderly aunt to me and my older sister Ruthie, and it has been hard for me to lose her. I’ve reached out to Ruthie to talk about it, but she apparently doesn’t want to. In hindsight, I can see that Ruthie never really wanted to talk about her feelings. We had a difficult relationship growing up and as we grew, I learned to hide it when I had strong opinions about something or really wanted to do something Ruthie didn’t. Now, I want to talk about Fran, but Ruthie will have none of it.”

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Water, Wood Vicki Matthews Water, Wood Vicki Matthews

Understanding Each Other Now

“I know these are difficult times for all of us, but I’m having trouble with my husband. We both work outside of the home so used to spend time together just on weekends. Now we’re together almost 24/7. Lately my kind, intelligent, hardworking guy has turned into a fussy, opinionated jerk who rants continuously about everything. I’m actually enjoying the quiet time at home to catch up on reading, but he’s like a caged animal. How do we get along?”

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