Ask Vicki

  Relationships are challenging but with Dr. Vicki’s support, you can turn difficult interactions into positive outcomes for all parties concerned! She supports your journey to better know yourself and understand others.

Dr. Vicki’s blogs offer ongoing advice and thoughtful insights.

Earth, Metal, Wood Vicki Matthews Earth, Metal, Wood Vicki Matthews

Can Too Much Metal Isolate?

On a date night, my husband said I should have ignored a call instead of answering, once I knew it wasn’t our babysitter. Who’s right? I’m a Metal with some Earth and I’m pretty sure my husband is a Wood with a good amount of Earth.

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Ask Vicki, Earth, Water Vicki Matthews Ask Vicki, Earth, Water Vicki Matthews

When Control Can Be Good

"I’m familiar with the Five Elements model and how the elements keep each other in balance by either giving energy or taking it away. And in the model, that makes sense. But when that gets applied to people, I don’t understand how controlling someone can ever be good."

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Earth, Metal, Relationships, Wood Vicki Matthews Earth, Metal, Relationships, Wood Vicki Matthews

One Mom, Two Parenting Styles

"My mother passed away last winter, but we waited until this summer so we could have her memorial service and sharing outside. It was a beautiful service, but I was fascinated by the fact that my younger sister Jessica had very different perceptions of my mother than I did. I’m upset that I never had the mom my sister did and now it’s too late."

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Ask Vicki, Earth, Water, Wood Vicki Matthews Ask Vicki, Earth, Water, Wood Vicki Matthews

New Boss Really Shaking Things Up

"Dear Vicki: I know these are difficult times for many people, but the chaos became personal for me last month when the art gallery where I’ve worked for 20 years was sold. As an artist and homemaker, I so appreciated that the previous owner was a kind, gentle soul who ran a gallery that allowed for the joy of discovering art to steal over his patrons in a quiet way. But he retired and the new owner, Mr. Miller, is a bombastic man who thinks he needs to hit people over the head with ads, promotions, and events to increase attendance. The chaos he creates on a daily basis terrifies me. What can I do?"

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Ask Vicki, Earth, Metal, Water Vicki Matthews Ask Vicki, Earth, Metal, Water Vicki Matthews

He Has a Challenge with the “S” Word: Structure

"Dear Vicki: One of my employees constantly gives me trouble. He’s impossible to keep in line. Whenever we have a plan in place, without asking he will change it on the fly. Without permission, he comes dressed in a clown costume to entertain the seniors we serve. I have reminded him of our guidelines dozens of times, and he seems surprised and contrite, but nothing changes."

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Ask Vicki, Earth, Fire, Metal, Wood Vicki Matthews Ask Vicki, Earth, Fire, Metal, Wood Vicki Matthews

Her Sister Has Really Changed. Why?

"Dear Vicki: My sister and I have been pretty close most of our lives. But we’ve taken very different paths. I went to college, then accepted a managerial position with a local bank. Genni worked as a nurse’s aide, which she loved. Several years ago, Genni married an accountant named John and it’s been a good marriage for her. Early on I realized that my brother-in-law was a controlling, opinionated person and have dealt with that for Genni’s sake. However, almost a year ago, John’s mother (another very opinionated person) became quite ill and moved in with Genni and John. Since then, Genni has really changed."

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Ask Vicki, Earth, Five Element Fixes Vicki Matthews Ask Vicki, Earth, Five Element Fixes Vicki Matthews

Five Element Fixes: Sugar Cravings

"Sugar cravings sit in the Earth element of the Five Elements model. That’s where our grounding sits, too. With all that’s going on these days, it’s easy to feel stressed and ungrounded. For people with a lot of Earth energy, a little bit of sugar can sometimes help. But remember, too much sugar is never a good thing! It’s bad for us physically and can also heighten our panic response."

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Earth, Fire, Metal Vicki Matthews Earth, Fire, Metal Vicki Matthews

Are They Business Partners or Marriage Partners?

"Five years ago, in a fit of spontaneity, Dale and I started a business. It has been very stressful trying to grow it to profitability, especially during the past two years. There’s been lots of fighting, arguing, and aloneness, but not much making up. And definitely no fun or laughter. Dale used to tell jokes and laugh all the time, but now he has gone crazy with rules, schedules, and the right way to do everything. He works all the time and never wants to focus on us. It feels like the business is all that matters to him now."

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Earth, Metal, Relationships, Water, Wood Vicki Matthews Earth, Metal, Relationships, Water, Wood Vicki Matthews

She’s Having Trouble with the World Right Now

"Dear Vicki: Since things started opening back up after the pandemic, I don’t really like the world out there. I’m an artist who is on one of the lucky ones – I’ve been able to manifest a successful career by hustling to sell my work. But now that I’m out and about, things feel so harsh. Everywhere I go, I encounter controlling, pushy people telling me what I have to do or even how I should think or act. I’m exhausted, and there are days I either want to hide under the covers or scream at people out of frustration. What’s wrong with me? And can I please change the world around me? Signed: Angry in Arlington"

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Earth, Metal Vicki Matthews Earth, Metal Vicki Matthews

Can Love Bloom Again, 30 Years Later?

My husband and I divorced thirty years ago. We never had children, which was fine with me since I spent almost every hour of the day building my medical practice. Apparently, it wasn’t fine with Jim because he remarried within a year of our divorce, opened a restaurant, and immediately had two children with his new wife. Our paths rarely crossed, but in the little spare time I had, I did think of him a lot. Now, thirty years later, he is a widower and manages the restaurant he has owned for decades. I am retired and wonder if there is a chance we might try again.

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Earth, Metal, Water, Wood Vicki Matthews Earth, Metal, Water, Wood Vicki Matthews

How to Make Her Husband's Creativity More Productive

"I have been happily married for a long time to a guy I love dearly. He is retired now from his position as a researcher, which he excelled at because he always came up with the most imaginative ways to approach whatever he was working on. But since retiring, he seems stuck and unable to act on many of the “new” ideas he has for himself. He is initially very enthusiastic about a particular topic, but doesn’t seem able to follow through, so quickly loses interest and moves on to the next idea that attracts him. He is very intelligent, but seems to fear not being able to do things perfectly enough to share with the world. I have been a stay-at-home mom most of my adult life, although I always do part time accounting work during tax season. I want to help him, but am not sure what to do."

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Earth, Relationships, Water, Wood Vicki Matthews Earth, Relationships, Water, Wood Vicki Matthews

Five Elements and Elections: Fear, Hate, and Healing

Four years ago, I posted a blog following what seemed to be a particularly contentious and divisive election in 2016 America. Sadly, it appears that little has changed in America over the past four years and the election held here earlier this week is on its way to becoming even more divisive than the previous one. In my 2016 post, I explored the role the Five Elements played in that election with the hope that a greater understanding of the dynamics at play would help heal the country. That remains the impetus and hope behind re-sharing that (annotated) 2016 post today.

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