Ask Vicki

  Relationships are challenging but with Dr. Vicki’s support, you can turn difficult interactions into positive outcomes for all parties concerned! She supports your journey to better know yourself and understand others.

Dr. Vicki’s blogs offer ongoing advice and thoughtful insights.

Earth, Metal, Water, Wood Vicki Matthews Earth, Metal, Water, Wood Vicki Matthews

She’s Overwhelmed by Sheltering in Place

“Having everyone at home all of the time is driving me crazy. I’m impatient, cranky, and overwhelmed. I’d love some help, but my husband’s job is more intense than mine, so I haven’t asked him. This means homeschooling our 10-year-old falls to me. I wish we could all go to our separate rooms and get work done, but Sammy wants to help me with all the meals, but she just makes it harder to get things done the right way. My normal perfection is out the window! What can I do to get better?”

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