Five Element Recipes
Food Can Balance Your Energy. Try these Five Element Recipes.
Food Can Balance Your Energy: The Joy of Sweets!
"This week, as we sit just a few days away from the Autumnal Equinox, we are going to honor the energy of balance and transitions that sits with the Earth element. Earth holds the balance for us during the equinox times, and supports transitions as we move from the longest day of the year to the shortest day and back again during solstice times. Always ready to nurture and support, Earth responds to the taste of sweetness."
Food Can Balance Your Energy: For Summer, Try Sugar-Free Chocolate Bites!
“It’s long been known that specific flavors support and balance each of the Five Element energies. Today, we honor the summer energy of Fire by using the bitter flavor of unsweetened cocoa to make a wonderful, sugar-free summer dessert!”
Food Can Balance Your Energy: For Summer, Try a Refreshing Glass of Salty Lemonade!
This famous quote is often attributed to Hippocrates, although there’s no actual proof he ever said it. But whoever did say it was brilliant! Everything we put in our bodies affects us, so not only can we nurture ourselves with food, we can heal and balance ourselves with it, too. It’s long been known that specific flavors support and balance each of the Five Element energies.
Food Can Balance Your Energy: Try the Healthy Sweetness of Chunky Monkey Oatmeal Bars!
"It’s long been known that specific flavors support and balance each of the Five Element energies. Since it’s still summer up here in the Northern hemisphere, we’re still honoring the summer energy of Fire, but we’re going to come at it a little bit differently this time. We’re going to use the taste that supports Earth, the element that pulls energy from Fire in the Five Elements model. This means that today is a perfect day for a healthy sweet like Chunky Monkey Oatmeal Bars because Earth responds to the taste of sweetness!"
Food Can Balance Your Energy: Try the Salty Creaminess of Whipped Goat Cheese to Cool the Heat!
"It’s long been known that specific flavors support and balance each of the Five Element energies. Today, we once again honor the summer energy of Fire, but as we move into the proverbial “dog days” of summer, we’re going to bring up more Water energy to help keep our Fire energy balanced. The taste that supports Water is salty, and there are any number of ways to include this flavor in our lives."
Food Can Balance Your Energy: Try a Cold Glass of Refreshing Cranberry Juice to Cool the Heat!
"It’s long been known that specific flavors support and balance each of the Five Element energies. Today, we once again honor the summer energy of Fire. The taste that balances Fire is bitterness, and there are many great ways to include this flavor in our lives. For this post we are using the bitter flavor of cranberries to make a delicious cold drink!"
Food Can Balance Your Energy: Salty Cumin Cashews to Cool the Summer Heat
"It’s long been known that specific flavors support and balance each of the Five Element energies. Today we once again honor the summer energy of Fire, but using the flavor that supports Water energy to help keep our Fire in check. This works because in the Five Elements model, Water helps control Fire. The taste that supports Water is salty."
Food Can Balance Your Energy: Nutritious Orange Peel Tea for Summer!
"It’s long been known that specific flavors support and balance each of the Five Element energies. Today we once again honor the summer energy of Fire. The taste that balances Fire is bitter, and there are many great ways to include this flavor in our lives. Last week we featured a delicious kale salad. Another wonderful bitter flavor can be found in orange peels, and they are surprisingly good for you. Orange peel has 60 different types of flavonoids and 170 types of phytonutrients besides being rich in vitamins, minerals, pectin, and fibers. Historically, the Chinese have used orange peels for medicinal purposes for centuries."
Food Can Balance Your Energy: Nutritious Kale for Summer
"It’s long been known that specific flavors support and balance each of the Five Element energies. Today we honor the summer energy of Fire. The taste that balances Fire is bitter, and there are many flavorful ways to include bitterness in our lives."
Food Can Balance Your Energy: The Humble Potato
"This week, just 3 days past the Summer Solstice, we are once again going to honor the energy of balance and transitions that sits with the Earth element. Earth stabilizes the energy during the equinox times and supports transitions as we move from the longest day of the year to the shortest day and back again. Always ready to nurture and support, Earth responds to the taste of starches (as well as sweetness)."